Developer & Director


Carol A. Kusché, Ph.D., is the Director of PATHS® Training LLC which she established in August 2000 to assist schools, educators, and others with ease of implementation and maximum achievement of program fidelity for the PATHS® curriculum. Throughout the past 17 years, she has assisted hundreds of sites in the U.S. and internationally to attain these goals. She is committed to providing the highest quality workshops that are also enjoyable to attend.

Dr. Kusché is a primary author of the PATHS® Curriculum which she began writing with Dr. Mark Greenberg at the University of Washington in the early 1980’s. At that time, the terms Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) and Emotional Intelligence (EI) had not yet been coined, and the idea of developing a comprehensive curriculum of this type was a novel idea.

The first version of the PATHS® curriculum was developed for and researched with deaf and hard-of-hearing children. Having previously worked in that field, Dr. Kusché knew how crucial it was for these students to be taught emotional literacy by their teachers in the classroom. The program was a success far beyond expectations; teachers in regular and other special education classrooms who observed the effects of the curriculum with deaf students asked to use it in their classrooms as well.

As a result, we continued our research with other populations of students and found that the PATHS® Curriculum was equally effective wherever it was utilized. Our work continued to grow from there, including numerous translations for children in other countries. Throughout this evolution, Dr. Kusché saw that high quality training greatly facilitated implementation, so she made it a high priority to maximize the availability of PATHS® workshops.

In addition to her work with PATHS® Training, Dr. Kusché is the Co-Director of the Institute for Emotional and Social Competence (IESC). She is also an Associate Clinical Professor at the University of Washington, Department of Psychology, a faculty member at the Seattle Psychoanalytic Society and Institute, and a Clinical Psychologist and Psychoanalyst in private practice in Seattle, WA, where she has seen children, adolescents, and adults for over 30 years. In addition, Dr. Kusché has authored numerous research papers and book chapters in such areas as brain development and emotional literacy.


PATHS® & the PATHS® Training LLC logo are trademarks & service marks of PATHS® Program Holding LLC